Thursday, May 17, 2007

Random Update

First of all, I'd like to say that I'm very excited for Cari and Steve who will be getting their dog back tomorrow (well, tomorrow in Australia). You guys must be so excited! You'll have to videotape and post the reunion. I'm sure it will be dramatic (I like Kristi's idea of the slow motion/Jesse's fur flowing in the wind image).

On a depressed note, what the heck is up with the weather here? Last week it was 30 degrees out and everyone was walking around in summer clothes. This week we're going to be lucky if the temperature gets past 15 degrees. And those poor New Brunswickers who got like 15 centimetres of snow yesterday. Is this is by-product of global warming? Where's Al Gore when you need him? Cari - I'm coming to Australia!

On a happier note, congratulations to Mike and Suzanne, the latest parents-to-be.