Monday, May 19, 2008

A Day at the Park

It seems as though the weather around here has been following a consistent pattern - beautiful and sunny during the week, cold and rainy on the weekends. So when it was sunny and 17 on Sunday, we decided to go out to the Wildlife Park in Shubenacadie. All the animals seemed to be out in full force. This peacock even stood by the sign and posed for the camera. Well, at least I like to think that's what it was doing...This picture's kinda creepy. I'm glad there was a fence there.

The little baby goat was so cute, climbing all over its parents.

The sea otters were adorable. They were so active, it was really hard to get these pictures.

This bear was pigging out on an ant hill.

We had a nice day. It was good to get out for awhile, since most of the long weekend was spent doing school work. Now that I know I'm going to be at Citadel until the end of the year, I'm really feeling the crunch. But it's all good!

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