Sunday, May 6, 2007

Whoa Baby!

I'd just like to send out a big congratulations to Craig's sister Jennifer, and my cousin Heather on the births of their new little ones. Heather had a little boy named Jamie Ewan MacIntyre, born April 29 and Jennifer had a little girl named Jamie Irving (Craig can't remember the middle name), born yesterday. The common name is a complete coincidence. It makes me really excited for my friends who are still expecting: Selena, Kim, and Kristi. There must have been something in the water last fall!


Cari said...

i like that name for a girl...i think it's becoming quite popular!

Kristi Drennan said...

I knew a girl named Jamie and she was really sweet!

Yeah there was definitely something in the water this past year. There's so many people I know that are pregnant! Some due around the same time as me. CRAZY!!!